Use Automatic Camera Switching in Your Streams with Ecamm Live!

Use Automatic Camera Switching in Your Streams with Ecamm Live!

You might've seen a new trend pop into the podcasting and livestreaming scene that involves cameras switching what looks like automatically. But if you're a one-person production crew without a team, how do you do that on your own? There is an easy way in Ecamm Live to make it look like your cameras are switching automatically, and it's almost like magic, so I guess you could call it “automagically.”

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The Perfect Ultrawide Monitor Arm - A Total Game Changer

The Perfect Ultrawide Monitor Arm - A Total Game Changer

Usually when I do reviews and things, I take the approach of, “Here’s a product, it's a microphone, it sounds like this. Maybe you'll think it's good for you, maybe you won't think it's good for you.” This is one of those rare times where I’m directly saying, “I think you should get this because it will change everything if you're not already using one.”

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