It's the End of Summer- Let the Madness Begin!

It's the end of my summer vacation and I'm freaking out.

It's the last day of summer, so why not begin uploading videos EVERY SINGLE DAY? Good gravy, what have I gotten myself into... Huge thanks/blame to HeatherJustCreate for giving me the push I needed:

Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to get back to work and do all of the crazy and fun stuff I'm lucky enough to be able to do every day. BUT, this has been the absolute greatest summer of my entire life, by far.

I've had the opportunity to grow and create in ways I never have before, and I don't want that to end. So, in response, I've decided to challenge myself starting today to upload something to YouTube every single day. What does this mean exactly? I don't really know, but that's part of the fun, right? I'm hoping to figure that out as I go along. 


It will definitely be a challenge to balance a commitment like this on top of everything else I normally have to try and fit into a single day, but I have a feeling that if I manage to stick with it, it can be incredibly rewarding.