
Hi! My name is Tom Buck, a lifelong A/V nerd and former high school Digital Media teacher. I started this website and my YouTube channel in 2017 as a project to share my enthusiasm for everything related to audio and video.


My Final Cut Pro course is final-ly finished and it's ready to go. You can sign up now!

I'm excited to share my entire video editing process and everything I know with you! This isn't necessarily the definitive "be-all-end-all" approach, but it's my way of using FCP after more than a decade with the program, using it to build my entire YouTube channel, and 9 years helping students learn it as a Digital Media teacher.


The step-by-step DIY guide to launching your very own podcast!

Find and develop your perfect podcast concept!




Join the mailing list to stay up to date with neat stuff, including helpful DIY guides, courses, and more. But no spam, I promise.